Home>Railroad>B&ML>B&ML Stations>BML Brooks
Home>By Station>Surviving Stations>BML Brooks
Home>By Place>Brooks>BML Brooks Station
The Brooks Station is a Queen Anne style structure built in 1892 for the Maine Central Railroad as the towns second station.
"In 1916 the train brought to this station the Honorable Warren G. Harding, then U.S. Senator, who was the only U.S. President ever to come to Brooks. Trains made two round trips daily, carrying passengers, freight and mail. Between 1921 and 1925 an average of 60 tons of potatoes a year shipped from Brooks by railroad. Circus animals arrived by train at the station." From the Maine Memory Network
The station is still used by the Belfast & Moosehead Lake RR for occasional summer excursion trains. You can check their website at belfastandmooseheadlakerail.org.